Interview by The Dedicated Rocker Society
SAINTS OF REBELLION is ready to release their brand of ‘Fusion Rock’ to the world. The band’s debut effort ‘New American Dream’ combines both retro and current musical styling’s into a fusion of in-your-face rock and roll you won’t soon forget.
SAINTS OF REBELLION music packs a rock-hard punch that you will identify with, but just can’t stereotype into a single style of music or into any one direction. ‘New American Dream’ is a culmination of years of songwriting combined with the life experiences of four very different musicians. The result is a captured energy and intensity that showcases the talent and sincerity of the band.
Vocalist Coby DeShazo’s powerful vocals offer a soulful and bluesy grace but, also blends in his own very modern-day style. The rhythm section is comprised of bassist/keys Jay Hitaffer and drummer/percussionist Ryche Green. These two combined create a dynamic rhythm section that channels the thunderous grooves of SAINTS OF REBELLION. The brute force that drives the music home is guitarist John Adams, who attacks his guitar with intense prowess.
The individual musical identities of the members in SAINTS OF REBELLION have managed to mesh it all together in ‘New American Dream’ – a unique and unforgettable sound that’ll get your blood pumping. From the first note to the last, SAINTS OF REBELLION is putting it all out there, loaded with universal emotion and sure to capture attention.
‘New American Dream’ is the introduction to SAINTS OF REBELLION who have set out to make a giant impression with their music and brand. Whether it’s gathering one fan at a time or many fans at once, SAINTS OF REBELLION is on a mission and there is nothing in sight to hold them back.
We asked the band to us gives the lowdown behind their band and what they have in store for Rock and Roll around the world! Here's what they shared with us.....
Q: What are Saints Of The Rebellion all about? How long have been together as a band?
Ryche: " I think Going out and creating great music and giving people a sense of well spent money when they come out to see our shows. We Just want to accomplish our goals and take everyone along with us. As a band it's been about 4 months now."
Coby: " The band was formed last year, around October, then I joined in early January of this year."
Jay: "Saints of Rebellion is about creating the music that we love! SOR was created by Label Owner and Manager, Bill Chavis. He has worked with some pretty amazing bands and has always wanted to build what he refers to as a "Super Group". Just prior to 2014, he decided that there is no better time then now. He contacted Ryche Green and I, another guitarist, and another lead vocalist. After a few weeks of rehearsing, he decided he wanted to take a heavier approach to the music and brought in a new guitar player, John Quincy Adams 13th. This didn't work with the vocalist we had at the time, so once again, changes were made. Coby DeShazo was brought in and Saints of Rebellion was now complete! We've been together since November/December 2013."
John: A kick ass hard rock band.
Q: We've heard, "New American Dream" and "Gasoline" off your debut release. Can we expect the same intensity with the rest the songs on the album? How many songs have written for the album?
Ryche: "Those are great songs for sure as for the album Every song stands on its own it's a very strong record. That being said we have some twists and turns but I think you will find its still very cohesive it's "our sound". There are 8 songs this go around"
Coby: " I think we have one "semi-slow" song on the whole album. We recorded 8 tracks on this album, but we expect to record another album by Fall/Early Winter."
John: "Lots of variety, no two songs sound the same, a little something for everyone."
Jay: " There are going to be 8 tracks on this EP. The remaining tracks are pretty versatile. Some could even be crossover songs. We describe them as "Greasy", I just call it "SOR". That's the cool thing about playing with this many talented musicians, you never know what your going to hear next! It's like an awesome mix tape!"
Q: When will the album be released?
Ryche: "I'm now hearing April release."
Coby: "We recorded 8 tracks on this album, but we expect to record another album by Fall/Early Winter."
Q: Have you guys shot a video for any of your songs? If so, which song?
Ryche: "Yes. "New American Dream."
Q: What are some of your memorable moments, good or bad, in recording your album?
Ryche: "Just the whole experience from the long trip to the studio to living in the bus with each other for a week to the actual tracking. If I had to pick one thing I would say hearing the songs actually played back..that's when it all sets in..Alot of creative minds in this band yet each one of us has our strong suits It's great."
Coby: "I was REALLY hoarse from being sick going into the studio. The band, myself included, didn't know if I was gonna pull off these songs. When I heard the intensity of the other guys come through those headphones, I powered through it all, and felt great when we were done!"
Jay: "We were living on the RV for the week we were in the studio. Now, this was in January 2014 in Arkansas, so it was freezing! The hose that supplied water to the RV froze every night. You learn a lot about people when you're freezing with them, especially when 2 of them are from sunny Florida. We made it...and lived to tell about it!"
Q: What do you guys bring to the table that is different from the other bands that are out right now?
Ryche: " I'm not real sure if we do as a whole thereare some great bands out right now that are doing the same things we do or vice versa...With us its just as much about the music community as it is for ourselves."
Coby: "WE DON'T SLOW DOWN! LOL!! We really don't do many slow songs, and it really keeps the energy up! I mean, I'm not saying we won't in the future, but right now I think we're too amped to even WRITE a slow song! LOL!!"
Jay: "Bill Chavis at HighVol Music decided on Ryche Green, an amazing rock drummer with an extensive background in the 80's genre of music (the kind of drummers that don't just sit there, but actually put on a show), John Quincy Adams 13th, a badass metal guitarist, Coby DeShazo, whose amazing voice straddles the genres of Rock, Blues, Metal, and Country, and me, a punk bassist with a rock, funk and classical back ground. Together, we inject ourselves into the music of SOR and you never know what's going to come out! We would all be fine with not being labeled in a certain genre, but happily put into our own."
Q: As far as touring goes, any plans playing any of upcoming Summer festivals? What overseas in Europe or Japan?
Ryche: "Touring yes and lots of it. We have some of the summer festivals already booked as well as a few more shows scattered in..So it's looking like a big summer. Our management is in contact with some booking agencies so stay tuned. We most definitely want to take this thing into Europe and beyond."
Coby: "We'have a few coming up. We're playing Rockfest @ South by Southwest in Austin, TX in March, and we're playing Wolfest in Arvada,Colorado in October just off the top of my head."
John: "Not sure what all is on the horizon. From my stand point , I'm ready to play everywhere and anywhere with electricity and beer !"
Jay: "We're getting some great shows! We're on "Southby" in Austin, Texas, The "Rockers Gone Wild Pool Party" in Miami, Florida (just prior to the Monsters of Rock Cruise), The" M-Pre Party" (before the "M3 Festival" in Baltimore, MD), Wolf Fest in Denver, Colorado, and Rock N Skull Fest in Perkin, Illinois to name a few. There's some talk about a European Tour. That would be amazing!"
Q: As a band, what goals have set for yourselves?
Ryche: "Make good quality music meet as many people as we can and add something to this business and do all the bands justice that has led the way and make what we do possible."
Coby: "Don't "Flatten out", keep climbing, keep improving."
Jay: "Unlike most bands I've been in, SOR has all the cogs turning. Every member of this band along with their families is pitching in to make this a reality. Even my wife, Taylor, is touring with us as an assistant to VP/Publicist Lori Chavis, Merch Manager, and PR Assistant for HighVol Music. No one in this band is just "along for the ride". We're all an integral part of what makes this machine function. With that said, the goals are high, but totally accomplish-able. We want to bring SOR to the world!"
Q: For someone reading about Saints Of The Rebellion for the first time, what you say to them to make them check you out?
Ryche: "Big hooks..Raw guitar, Huge drums and pump your fist anthems...Oh and Jays hair lol!"
Coby: "If you like Rock, Hard Rock, Punk, Metal, 80's, 90's 2000's, Blues, then we have got something for ya!!! "
John: "Kick ass, no frills heavy rock, with a bit of southern attitude."
Jay: "Our first record is titled "New American Dream". The Title Track is more than just a "toe tapper", it's a legitimate "head banger"! The record consists of 8 songs where one is unlike the others in so many ways, but are all tied together with Coby's amazing vocals. The songs are challenging to play as a musician, but still perfectly melodic for the listener. It wasn't long before these songs became my favorite songs to listen to. They work perfectly together, like the soundtrack of my soul."
Q: Any messages or comments you would like to past along to your fans?
Ryche: "Come out and supportmusic buy albums if not ours then someone else's keep music alive and well"
Coby: "Thanks to my personal long-time fans, and all the new fans of Saints of Rebellion fans for all your cont ... inued support, we're coming for ya, so BE READY TO ROCK!!!!"
Jay: "Thank you to the "SOR Nation" for your endless support, and please keep telling everyone you see about us. We love you and hope that we're making you proud! Please make sure you come up and introduce yourselves when you see us on the road!"
For more information on Saints Of The Rebellion,
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